Sunday, May 2, 2010

Nanotechnology in 'Super-Fast Computers of the Future'

Believe it or not, nanotechnology is already being used in suntan lotion and other consumer products, and to provide stain resistance to clothing, and it will soon revolutionize computing. "Nanotechnology is the process of manipulating matter at the atomic level..." Research on nanotechnology shows potential for using light to process large amounts of data faster than ever.

Nanoplasmonic devices that guide and direct light are more than 100 times smaller than the width of a human hair and have been made to interact with light in a highly controlled way that could be used to build super high-speed 'optical computers', processing information using light instead of electric currents used today.

Research on nanoplasmonic devices is being conducted at Queen's University Belfast and Imperial College London.

Queen's University, Belfast. "Super-Fast Computers Of The Future." ScienceDaily 3 September 2009. 2 May 2010 /releases/2009/09/090901082855.htm>


  1. Nanotechnology is a fantastic technology. I love what it is capable of if used properly. The biggest problem is, we are humans and our track record with using technology properly is very negative. The novel "Prey" by Michael Crichton is an amazing novel explaining in depth the issues that will arrise from humans playing around with nanotechnology. The fact that nanoparticles are so small we could not see them clearly without other technology to help us is a bit disconcerting since nanoparticles of the future will be able to thing for themselves and act. The implications of weaponry an evil, national leader could use against other humans is extremely frightening. Imagine a microscopic computer that can be programmed to fly into the presidents nose and release some kind of toxin into his/her brain or scramble his/her DNA and genetic coding.

  2. Nanotechnology is very interesting. I liked the way you stated that it’s already being used in suntan lotions and other thing. That’s remarkable. Nanotechnology gives science the ability to create computers that are faster than anything we have today and smaller than one would think.

    With nanotechnology computers could be so small the human eye wouldn’t even realize they were there. This is where the debate comes in. This incredible scientific innovation makes people realize that if members of society with poor intentions had this technology at their disposal, they could do tremendous harm.

  3. Every time I hear Nanotechnology, I think of the gray-goo. Gray-goo is the hypothetical end-of-world scenario in which nanotechnology runs amok and destroys the world. I believe more research needs to be done into nanotechnologies before it is used so freely in things like suntan lotion and clothing. We can not possibly know the long term ramifications of this technology because it has not been out long enough. This technology has the potential to completely wipe out society.

  4. Nanotechnology is going to be great in all aspects. There is nothing more frustrating than a computer that is slow. It makes it easier for everyone to be able to access information more quickly. Society wants what we want NOW. It is important especially in busy lines of work that utilize computers daily. When I think back of the dial up connect, I remember a time of frustration waiting to get connected, then possibly not getting connected at all. I am looking forward to technology growing to make my life easier.
