Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What the future holds.

This is what television will look like very soon, just be patient and you will see television moving to a new level. What is going to be the cost of this new advancement is what concerns me. However, it is going to stay no matter the cost.
This is the new 3D Samsung 9000 series, it converts 2D video to 3D; it ranges in sizes from 19" to about 65," which is also about "third of an inch thin," but the most important part of it all, is that it comes with a "touch-screen" remote that allows you to watch TV on the remote and play your 3D movies on the screen all at once, what an option. This we all know will come with a price, no matter what; it is to the advantage of those that can afford and those that can't afford will have to stay with the old LCD and HDTV, but we all can agree that this new technology is what people have been waiting for, the "thinnest" television ever.


  1. The incredible invention of a true flat screen and flat panel tv!!! This will take over the market once LCD, Plasma and HDTV give competition to the prices. I remember my parents had a 62" Big Screen TV. Nobody would have ever thought of a Flat screen as a TV you could mount on your wall. People will eventually buy these new TV's as the price go down, its just a matter of time.

  2. Televisions have come along way since black and white screens. Not only are televisions extremely thin today, but they are able to produce 3D images. I agree that these 3D televisions will be very expensive at first. They will also have problems with the first generation of 3D televisions. Whenever a new electronic comes out, it usually has problems. People in our society have no patience and will have to have these 3D televisions as soon as they hit the market. People would be smart to wait for the second and third generation 3D televisions because the problems will be fixed by then. They will also be less expensive. These 3D televisions will bring a new perspective to art in the future. People will be able to see images in 3D and artists might even begin to start drawing images in 3D because it is becoming so popular.

    Posted by Robert – The Fab Four

  3. I agree with Robert, I would probably hold out a while before spending so much money of a television like this. This is, however, an amazing television. It’s hard to believe that we’ve gone so far from the early days of television and the old Cathode Ray Tubes. The displays of today are so visually stunning and save so much space. The 3D Samsung series looks like it’s taking it a little further. The touch screen remote is also an interesting idea, it seems like so many devices in the future will be easier for society to use. It also shows how popular touch screen are going to be in the near future.
